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Hotel spa chatellerie de schoeque entrée hotel de charme-min.jpg

The soul of a unique hotel

Welcome to the Schoebeque Chatellerie,

Charming 4-star hotel dating from the 18th century.

A romantic weekend, a romantic getaway, a wellness break or a relaxing Spa?


Make your moment a unique memory!

The Spa Hotel and the Panoramic Restaurant will offer you an impregnable view of the top of Mount Cassel on the plain from Flanders, the time for a gourmet break.


Our Hotel in the North of France has 12 surprising all-themed rooms and character and is located in CASSEL in the heart from Flanders to 35min from LILLE, from DUNKERQUE and 25min from SAINT OMER.

Suite Un autre monde lit king size avec ciel étoilée à l'hotel de la chatellerie de schoebeque

“Pausing time for a moment, in a place where the past, the present and the future are in harmony"

“Vous découvrirez une ambiance feutrée, discrète avec un personnel soucieux de votre bien-être en toute simplicité.”

L'Hôtel avec ses diverses chambres à thème toutes surprenantes et de caractère vous offrira un large choix d'ambiance :

Romantique avec la baignoire au pied du lit, cocoon avec jacuzzi et sauna ou encore authentique dans une suite historique, ...

Il est temps de choisir et vos animaux seront de bonne compagnie.

“ A magical moment to allow the body and mind to recharge their batteries in the heart of a bubble of well-being ”

Espace Spa privatif avec jacuzzi et sauna à la Chatellerie de Schoebeque

thePrivate hot tub  is the place of serenity for relaxation and peaceful well-being

where time has no hold !

un cocktail mojito avec vue panoramique sur les flandres à cassel au bar du schoebeque

“ Prendre un verre dans un salon hors du temps et picorer avec les doigts en profitant d'une vue au coeur des Flandres ”

Welcome to the Schoebeque Chatellerie,

Charming 4-star hotel dating from the 18th century.

A romantic weekend, a romantic getaway, a wellness break or a relaxing Spa?


Make your moment a unique memory!

The Spa Hotel and the Panoramic Restaurant will offer you an impregnable view of the top of Mount Cassel on the plain from Flanders, the time for a gourmet break.


Our Hotel in the North of France has 15 surprising all-themed rooms and character and is located in CASSEL in the heart from Flanders to 35min from LILLE, from DUNKERQUE and 25min from SAINT OMER.

“ Ce lieux hors du temps est magique, il marque les esprits et aide à la cohésion ”

“ Des moments et des instants authentiques pour vos proches lors d'évènement exceptionnel ”

Equipe de séminaire dans le jardin

Located atCASSEL"favorite village of the French 2018", in the heart of Flanders 35min fromLILLE, ofDUNKIRKand 25min fromSAINT-OMER, this place ofseminarand ofreceptionoffers you a range of possibilities...

wedding, business, eventfamily,and so many others !

During an event, a business trip, a tourist stay, or a romantic getaway, you will appreciate the environment of thisHotel Spaauthentic !

logo village préféré des français  a CASSEL

Our history  


It's first of all a crush : to dicover a magical place steeped in history, the battles Flandres, de Mr. Lengle de Schoebeque, Deschodt generations, from the headquarters of Marshal Foch to the superb setting of this former mansion transformed into a 4 stars hotel.

It's then a desire : to share this place, to magnify it through your desires and your feelings, to take you to the emotion for your exceptional events.

Stay informed of our news!

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